Still Growing Together | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographer

Friends Forever

Not so sure who has followed my little and his buddy over the last few years but here it is that time of year again for us to get these two crazy’s (and more as we grow as families) to get their yearly photo together Same spot, same season, same crate (which I am not sure what we will do once they out grow that stinking thing) , and same amazing kiddos plus a few extras. Next year Mr. Lucas will be joining the crazy crew. This year he was a bit to fragile to throw in the mix ha!

For anyone who is new to the story: This is my handsome dude and his best friend, Tyler. Tyler and Emerson are only weeks apart and have been best buds since they were about 6 months old. Tyler’s mom and I casually took their first fall photos together thinking it would be cute, little did we know here we are 4 years later taking them in the same spot. Watching them grow together has been literally my favorite thing in life, we also added on a little minion that likes to copy and follow them, her name is Quinn. She has hopped in a few photos with them as they are now like a pack and I love every single second of their chaos that they cause together. Melissa and I cannot wait until the boys are 21 and sitting in the very same spot (hopefully on the very same box) taking their yearly photos together. Tyler and Emerson, I hope your bond never breaks Love you boys! Here are some photos from this year and photos from the past for years of them.