Keegan Ryan | Milk Bath | Manahawkin, NJ | Child Photographer | Ocean County New Jersey

Keegan Ryan

Oh Mr. Keegan Ryan, Happy Six Months!! I can’t believe I have been a Mama to this perfect little human for six months already. I also can’t believe I have three kids and have kept them all going in this chaos for six whole months, hahaha. But most of all, I can’t believe I have breastfed exclusively for a full six months. Its crazy to think my body not only grew him for 9 months but now has been feeding him everything he needs for 6 whole months. Although he is my third baby, he is my first breastfed baby so it means a whole lot to me. So what better way to celebrate then to do my first ever milk bath photo session!!! This little pumpkin is not sitting up just yet so it looked a little different then I had imagined but that just means I will get to do a second one when he can sit up fully unsupported and be safe.

* Please note to any Mama’s reading this, a fed baby is a happy baby. Although I am breastfeeding now, not all my baby’s were and that’s okay. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else’s journey. You are always a rockstar!